Yoga with Caragh
Neil Adams, , 2nd Class B, CLASSES, Community Blog, School Blog, 0
2nd class b really enjoyed yoga in the hall with Caragh last term. The children looked forward to tree...
Junior infants b Baby Clinic
Victoria Stuart, , Junior Infants B, School Blog, Uncategorized, 0
We enjoyed working in our Baby Clinic over the past number of weeks. We worked as nurses, doctors, receptionists...
Aistear Term 2
Sarah J, , BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Uncategorized, 0
We hope you enjoy these photos from our Aistear time. We have explored themes such as Fairytales, Love and...
Remembering World War I with 6A
Chrissie S, , 6th Class A, School Blog, 0
After learning about World War I, we decided to remind everyone to remember the people who lost their lives fighting in...
Sports Day in senior infants a
Sarah J, , BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Sport, 0
Senior infants a gave it their all on Sports Day. We were lucky with the weather and everyone participated...
September in senior infants a
Sarah J, , School Blog, Senior Infants A, Uncategorized, 0
Here are a few photos of senior infants a taken in September. We hope you enjoy looking through them!
How to split a trophy?
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, Sport, 0
On Friday the 13th of April the team went to St. Gerard’s facilities in Bray consisting of Caoimhe (GK),...