Photos from 'Windows to the Soul' 2021Halloween 2021 – 31st OctoberMCA Fundraiser - Halloween 20214B & 6A - The HurleysIMG_20211031_150037SI B - Lucía HJI C & 1B - Alannah & Leah WSI B & 1B - Anna & Sam OJI C & 1A - Hannah & Noah Mac H1A & 4A - Roe FamilyJI C - Roan ScallyJI A - The GreaneysSI B - The Cooke's3B - Arthur and Eloise2A - Oscar and Senan MJI A - Senan D2A - The EgansIMG_2976JI A - Family Cox2A - The CozmasSI B - Ze Cowman's4A - Rory A1B - The Kelly'sJI A - Freya & Yasmin KJI A - Rei C2B - Fionn T1A - Ada McG K1A - Analícia O M S3B - Leila NLeila_Neligan_3B_Windows_to_the_Soul_entryJI B - Arthur O'S4B & 6B - M and KBooo2B - Luna G2B - Luna G2B - Luna G2B & 4A - Dara & Eoin K2B - Luna G2B - Harry FJI B - Max CSI B & 2B - Cian & Sam F6A - Tommaso PJI C - The Mulhern FamilyJI C & 2B - Hugh & Dominic W1A - The Visser Family
+ The Builders Have Arrived Neil Adams, 13th October 202016th October 2020, 6th Class A, Community Blog, Featured Event, School Blog, 0 The extension is officially underway today. The builders arrived onsite this am and the digging up of the yard...
+ Lea wins at Texaco Art Competition METNS Web, 28th May 201929th May 2019, Community Blog, School Blog, 0 A massive congratulations to Lea Moloney, ex-METNS pupil and sister to Joe in 5B. Lea won first place in...
+ 6th Class enjoy Scratch workshop at IADT Monkstown ETNS, 6th April 20176th April 2017, BLOGS, Community Blog, 0 The two 6th classes enjoyed a Scratch workshop at IADT on the 6th April. Thanks to Audrey and Therese...
+ Hi from AnnMarie Ben Naughton, 7th May 20207th May 2020, BLOGS, CLASSES, Community Blog, School Blog, 0
Internet Safety Workshops METNS Web, 23rd January 201920th March 2019, Community Blog, 0 On Wednesday 13th February 3rd-6th children, staff and parents/guardians will have an opportunity to participate in Internet Safety Workshops....
+ Looking around the building AnnMarie K, 24th March 202024th March 2020, Community Blog, School Blog, 0
+ Leinster Mascot – Leinster v Connacht METNS Web, 11th January 201920th March 2019, 1st Class A, Community Blog, 0 James from 1A was the mascot at the Leinster v Connacht games just before Christmas!
+ Parenting Children with Educational Difficulties Conference Monkstown ETNS, 12th January 20165th October 2018, BLOGS, Community Blog, Parents Resources, 0 Wynn’s Hotel, Abbey St Friday 29th January 2016 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The conference is for parents, educators,...