December 2009
We move into our school, which was great but the site was empty and muddy.
Spring 2010
Parents and staff start to work on the back garden on Saturdays.
Spring 2011
The school community spend perhaps 15 consecutive Saturdays to build the outdoor patio area, which is surrounded by the lovely high flower bed. It turns into our outdoor classroom. The garden beds are built and we have our first planting season.
Autumn 2011
Our first harvest!
Spring 2012
The community of parents and staff work on Saturdays to finish the garden we have today.
December 2012
Brian Kirby and AnnMarie fill the front bed with soil and in the spring of 2013, we plant it up.
May 2015
Joan Mallon, a garden designer and parent in METNS designed a garden for Bloom, the garden festival in the Phoenix Park. All of the plants and landscaping were donated to METNS after the show. The community organised transport, collection, delivery and in June, we spent three weeks digging and planting. The garden is at its very best in the summer.
The school community work hard to maintain all our spaces and staff and parents water, weed and cut back all through the year. Teams of parents ‘adopt’ the garden throughout the summer and keep it watered ( rainwater harvested water of course!) and weeded, and enjoy the courgettes, tomatoes, lettuce and herbs that ripen throughout the holidays, and wouldn’t last until the children are back in September.