From June 15th – 19th, we will celebrate Creativity Week, the theme of which is ‘Our Homes, Our Lives’. This celebration is part of our commitment to partake in the Creative Schools programme.
During this week, we will look at many of the creative outlets people use worldwide to communicate and express themselves, while in lockdown. Each day we will cover a different aspect and provide daily menus for juniors and seniors in their class folders. We will embrace a new theme each day to reflect our experiences.
On Monday, we will explore communication and our attempts to reach out to others with the theme ‘Is there Anybody Out There?’
We will focus on the escape provided by ‘Imaginative Journeys’ on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, we will celebrate ‘The Great Outdoors’. Thursday will see us grappling with ‘Domestic Dilemmas’, of which there were many.
Finally, on Friday, in keeping with our Active Fridays’ initiative, we will remind ourselves to ‘Be Active, Be Alive’! We will also include some healthy recipes to try and promise to send parents an ingredients list in advance.
For each theme, we will suggest a range of fun and imaginative activities from which to choose. Make sure you have some art materials to hand, as we have plenty of opportunities to draw, colour and paint. We hope it will be a time to exercise our collective creative muscle and an opportunity to share photos of our creative endeavours!
If you enjoy participating, please send us a photo!
Send us your Creativity Week photos!
Take a look at the photo gallery we created!