+ Sponsored Walk – Wednesday May 24th Advantage Point Admin, 14th May 201716th May 2017, BLOGS, Featured Event, PTA, 0 The METNS Community Annual Sponsored Walk will be in aid of a PTA shed for the school.
+ Senior infants digging potatoes Sarah J, 23rd September 202028th September 2020, BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, Uncategorized, garden, potatoes, senior infants, 0 Senior infants a and b really enjoyed digging potatoes with AnnMarie last week. The children loved finding the teeny...
+ 6b hit Honeypark Advantage Point Admin, 12th May 201719th March 2019, BLOGS, 0 15 hot chocolates was the order in Costa when some of the kids from 6b visited. Afterwards they got...
+ 6th Class enjoy Scratch workshop at IADT Monkstown ETNS, 6th April 20176th April 2017, BLOGS, Community Blog, 0 The two 6th classes enjoyed a Scratch workshop at IADT on the 6th April. Thanks to Audrey and Therese...
+ Get Creative – Spring / Easter Creativity Challenge Monkstown ETNS, 31st March 20208th April 2020, Community Blog, School Blog, 0 Get Creative - Spring / Easter Creativity Challenge Normally at METNS we have our Easter Bonnet Parade, where we...
+ Commemorative Tree in Our School Garden Molly Boydell, 29th May 201829th May 2018, BLOGS, 0 On our lovely sunny, Open Day day in May, Eileen, who is the granny of Mabel in 5th and...
+ October in senior infants b Sarah J, 13th October 202015th October 2020, BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants B, Uncategorized, 0 Senior infants b have had so much fun in October. We have been as busy as bees in our...
+ METNS Monster Mosh 2018 METNS Web, 24th October 20188th November 2018, BLOGS, Ethos, School Blog, 0 The annual Monster Mosh takes place this Friday in METNS hall. The catwalk is ready for the yearly appearance of ghosts,...