Both senior infants classes have been enjoying Aistear since September. We have explored the topics of school, autumn, weather and travel. As we are a Green School, we use lots of recycled materials gathered from home and from Recreate during our junk art, role-play and collage work. We thought you might like to see some photos of us in action. We really enjoy learning through play!
Social Justice Activists
Ben Naughton, , 4th Class B, BLOGS, Community Blog, Ethos, School Blog, 0
In 4B we have created some amazing projects looking at the fantastic work of Social Justice Activists. We looked...
The annual METNS Monster Mash 2019
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, 0
The Annual METNS Monster Mash took place on 25th October. It was a scary affair with ghosts, goblins, wizards, witches, dinosaurs and some...
James the Mascot – Leinster Rugby!
AnnMarie K, , 1st Class A, BLOGS, Community Blog, 0
James Walsh (1A) is flying the METNS flag at the RDS on Saturday as he leads the Leinster rugby...
Lea wins at Texaco Art Competition
METNS Web, , Community Blog, School Blog, 0
A massive congratulations to Lea Moloney, ex-METNS pupil and sister to Joe in 5B. Lea won first place in...
Primary Language Curriculum Whole Staff Inservice Day
METNS Web, , CLASSES, School Blog, 0
Following the introduction of the new Primary Language Curriculum, outlined in circular 61/15, all schools are required to close...
Blossoming Creativity
Molly Boydell, , BLOGS, 0
Beautiful artworks by Helena Kennedy in 6th class. We have been exploring different media including decoupage, collage, paint, fabric...
Helpful Self Talk
Chrissie S, , 6th Class A, School Blog, 0
We have been doing the Weaving Well-Being programme and we have been learning a very helpful life lesson which...
Where does the money go?
Molly Boydell, , CLASSES, PTA, School Blog, 0
Have you ever wondered where the commission money from the Book Fair goes? Well, this week we got a...