Do you think that you need to re-think what you drink?

Here in 6th Class A we learned about how much sugar is in your everyday food and drink items.  First, we looked at the labels and how much sugar was in it.  Then we measured it out into teaspoons and put it into bags so we could see.

The daily amount of sugar for a child is 25g (five teaspoons), and half that is better.

You might think that you don’t intake that much sugar, but once you take a look you might be shocked by how much sugar you’re really eating.

For example, did you know there is 35g of sugar in ONE CAN OF COKE.  That is more than your daily allowance in just one drink!

We are very glad METNS are getting into the healthy spirit. Earlier this year we had our first METNS healthy bake sale.  We made your average cake recipe into a delicious healthy treat.  This gave us an example of how important it is to be healthy.  We enjoyed buying healthy treats and were over the moon at how many healthy cakes were brought by everybody from Juniors to Seniors.  There was a competition and there were loads of entries, fortunately someone in our class won and our class got cupcakes!

It was cool to see how much sugar we eat and now we’re kinda scared to eat sweets!

Written by Oisín, Conn, Conor, Izzy, Killian, Jake, Ellie and Sibéal

© 2025 Monkstown ETNS. Roll # 20060G. Registered Charity # 20118648.

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