Junior infants b – painting with primary colours!
Victoria Stuart, , Junior Infants B, NewsTicker, School Blog, Uncategorized, 0
In art this week we explored colour mixing. We learned that red, blue and yellow are called the primary...
2A’s Return to Marian’s Wood
Neil Adams, , 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, School Blog, 0
2A took advantage of the lovely, sunny weather last week and walked over to Marian's Wood for a visit...
Santry Field Events 2019
AnnMarie K, , School Blog, Sport, 0
Leon, Ben, Conn, Cormac, Lucas, Sophie, Brianna, Aine, Samuel, Johnny, Jessica and Casey represented us brilliantly at the field...
September in senior infants b
Sarah J, , School Blog, Senior Infants B, Uncategorized, 0
Senior infants b have been very busy over the last few weeks. We hope you enjoy these photos!
Winter in senior infants a
Sarah J, , School Blog, Senior Infants A, Uncategorized, 0
We hope that you enjoy these photographs of the children in senior infants a. We have had a very...
Dancing with Deirdre & John
Rosie Doyle, , BLOGS, Community Blog, School Blog, 0
Dancing with the Stars visited METNS. Deidre O Kane (mum to Daniel) and her dance partner John Nolan visited...
5B Measuring Madness
Caro C, , 5th Class B, School Blog, 0
Fifth Class B spent a morning measuring the classroom, their belongings, each other, their teacher, the hallways and the...
2A Habitats and Biodiversity
Sarah J, , 2nd Class A, BLOGS, CLASSES, School Blog, 0
Habitats and biodiversity - an experts visit!