We hope you enjoy these photos from our Aistear time. We have explored themes such as Fairytales, Love and Friendship, and Ireland in term 2. We made dragons for Chinese New Year and fabric and fibre hearts for Valentine’s Day. We have also been constructing, baking, crafting and creating. The children learn so much through play, look at these happy faces!
The Everywhere Bear Part 3
Sarah J, , School Blog, Senior Infants A, 0
Thank you to all the children and families who hosted the Everywhere Bear in term 3. He really had...
Sam Maguire Returns to METNS
Neil Adams, , BLOGS, CLASSES, Community Blog, EVENTS, Featured Event, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, 0
Johnny Magee, former Dublin footballer and METNS GAA coach, came to the school to show all the children, from...
Our Self Portraits
Neil Adams, , 1st Class A, School Blog, 0
We, in Marie's 1A, talked about our features and how we look different to everybody else. We discussed how...
Remember our lovely school?
Monkstown ETNS, , Community Blog, School Blog, 0
Have a look and see if you can remember every single part of the school and where it is...
RIP Charlie Foy
Monkstown ETNS, , Community Blog, School Blog, 0
The METNS community offers its deepest condolences to Alan and Caitriona Foy on the death of their lovely son...
Remembering World War I with 6A
Chrissie S, , 6th Class A, School Blog, 0
After learning about World War I, we decided to remind everyone to remember the people who lost their lives fighting in...
Santry Field team
Molly Boydell, , BLOGS, 0
Sixteen children represented METNS in field events at the Morton Stadium in Santry, on May 21st. They were very...
4B – Bugs and Beyond
Neil Adams, , 4th Class B, School Blog, 0
4th Class B were invited to Trinity College Institute of Biochemistry and Immunology last week to take part in...