Valentine’s Day with Romero Britto
Ben Naughton, , 4th Class B, Community Blog, School Blog, 0
In 4B we looked at Romero Britto's amazing work, focusing on his fantastic hearts. We created some animals in...
METNS Musical Medley 2019
Molly Boydell, , 6th Class A, BLOGS, School Blog, 0
The children in 6A discussed how it felt to be on stage and to perform. They then wrote poems...
Girls Soccer Team
Liz Goodwin, , 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, School Blog, Sport, 0
METNS are so proud of their wonderful girl's soccer team who played so well in their recent league and...
20th Anniversary Open Day
Advantage Point Admin, , Featured Event, School Blog, 0
To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, The Staff, BoM and PTA of METNS are hosting the following celebrations on Wednesday ,...
Halloween Costume Sale
METNS Web, , Featured Event, PTA, School Blog, 0
As mid-term and Halloween are fast approaching, the PTA have introduced a new event to help create this year's...
Jolabokaflod in 5B
Molly Boydell, , 5th Class B, School Blog, 0
5B spent Friday morning joining in with Icelandic tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve each year where people give each...
Celebrating Creativity
Sarah J, , Educate Together, EVENTS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Uncategorized, 0
We thoroughly enjoyed Celebrating Creativity for One Day Together in senior infants a. We were lucky to have a...
Junior infants c Baby Clinic
Dervla B, , Junior Infants C, NewsTicker, School Blog, 0
Junior infants c had so much fun learning about birth and new life as part of our Aistear theme...