METNS Community Book Fair
Advantage Point Admin, , BLOGS, Community Blog, PTA, 0
The METNS Community Book Fair was once again a huge success with €4,1200 raised! This means that the school...
Sound Effects Production by 3B
Neil Adams, , 3rd Class B, BLOGS, CLASSES, Community Blog, School Blog, 0
Third Class B have been busy learning about the science of sound these past few weeks. This led us...
Making Circuits in 4th Class B
Neil Adams, , 4th Class B, EVENTS, School Blog, 0
We have been learning all about electrical circuits. We have been busy designing and making our own circuits to...
METNS Community Winter Fair
Monkstown ETNS, , BLOGS, Community Blog, PTA, 0
Feedback received on our METNS Annual Winter Fair has been fantastic! It goes without saying that the success of the...
Seachtain Na Gaeilge 2018
Molly Boydell, , BLOGS, School Blog, 0
Seachtain na Gaeilge Bhíomar an-gnóthach le cúpla seachtain anuas, ag ullmhú le haghaidh “Seachtain na Gaeilge”. Chun an Gaeilge...
2A Fun in the Sun
Molly Boydell, , 2nd Class A, School Blog, Uncategorized, 0
We have a class of amazing athletes in 2A! The children got active last week and burned off lots...
Jolabokaflod in 5B
Molly Boydell, , 5th Class B, School Blog, 0
5B spent Friday morning joining in with Icelandic tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve each year where people give each...
Rethink your drink 6A
Chrissie S, , 6th Class A, School Blog, 0
Do you think that you need to re-think what you drink?