Our trip to Airfield Estate was a great success. We learned about the animals and plants on the estate. We got to take part in a bug hunt and had endless fun in the playground. The trees proved easy to climb and we had a lot of fun enjoying nature. Thank you to all the parents and staff who accompanied us.
2A Habitats and Biodiversity
Sarah J, , 2nd Class A, BLOGS, CLASSES, School Blog, 0
Habitats and biodiversity - an experts visit!
4B Portraiture
Neil Adams, , 4th Class B, BLOGS, Community Blog, Educate Together, School Blog, 0
We have been focusing on different kinds of portraiture in art over the past month. Here are two examples...
Primary Language Curriculum Whole Staff Inservice Day
METNS Web, , CLASSES, School Blog, 0
Following the introduction of the new Primary Language Curriculum, outlined in circular 61/15, all schools are required to close...
Music Generation for 1st and 2nd class
Sarah C, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, NewsTicker, School Blog, 0
1st and 2nd class were visited by four members of the music generation team recently for an interactive performance....
6B Science Blast Project
Molly Boydell, , 6th Class B, BLOGS, School Blog, 0
We worked really hard in 6th class on our Science Blast project. We were investigating if music affects how...
All Ireland Senior Football Winner Lauren McGee comes to METNS
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, Uncategorized, 0
We were delighted to welcome Lauren McGee to METNS with the Brendan Martin Trophy. Lauren plays football with the...
Tunes Ringing out from 4B
Neil Adams, , 4th Class B, BLOGS, School Blog, 0
Among all of the great work in 4th Class B, we have been fine tuning our skills as Irish...
Where does the money go?
Molly Boydell, , CLASSES, PTA, School Blog, 0
Have you ever wondered where the commission money from the Book Fair goes? Well, this week we got a...