Latest News from Sixth Class B
Colum C, , 6th Class B, Newsletters, School Blog, 0
On 13th December 2019 we received the heart-shattering news that our classmate and good friend Samuel Roquette had passed...
METNS Musical Medley 2018
Monkstown ETNS, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, 3rd Class A, 3rd Class B, 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, Junior Infants A, Junior Infants B, Junior Infants C, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, 0
19:00 - Junior Infants A, B & C, Senior Infants A, 1st Class A & 2nd Class A 20:30...
Green Protest for Climate Action
Molly Boydell, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, 3rd Class A, 3rd Class B, 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, Ethos, Green School, Junior Infants A, Junior Infants B, Junior Infants C, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, Uncategorized, 0
On March the 15th children gathered to protest outside government buildings in cities all over the world to show...
Protected: 6B Graduation 2020
Monkstown ETNS, , 6th Class A, 6th Class B, 0
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge
Molly Boydell, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, 3rd Class A, 3rd Class B, 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, Ethos, Junior Infants A, Junior Infants B, Junior Infants C, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, 0
Bhí 'Seachtain na Gaeilge' iontach againn ar scoil an seachtain seo chaite. Bhí go leor gníomhaíochtaí eagsúla ar siúl...
Pat Norris: Rocket Scientist
Neil Adams, , 3rd Class A, 3rd Class B, 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, BLOGS, Community Blog, EVENTS, Featured Event, School Blog, 0
Pat Norris worked on the navigation systems that helped the Apollo space missions land a man on the moon,...
Brexit Talk with RTE’s Paul Cunningham
METNS Web, , 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, School Blog, 0
RTE Political Correspondent, Paul Cunningham came into METNS to talk to 5th & 6th class about Brexit. Paul, more...
Boys Soccer Team
Liz Goodwin, , 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, School Blog, Sport, Uncategorized, 0
Well done to the boys soccer team who played really well this year. We are very proud of them!