Sam S, SI B - Jennifer A

Holden H, 1A - Marie K

I have really enjoyed creativity week.

Sonny, 3B - Neil A

Levi B, 1A - Marie K


Hunter H, 1A - Marie K

Joined effort of the 2 sisters using a wide range of materials and techniques.

Libby H, 3B - Neil A

Fionn's painting, he was very proud

Holden H, 1A - Marie K

I have really enjoyed creativity week.

Having fun with food!

Esmé & Ava O, 3A - Helen C


Llewyn R, JI A - Liz G


Family Cowman, 1B - Eva M

Jake, 3B - Neil A

Hunter H, 1A - Marie K

Do u like my work?

Libby H, 3B - Neil A

Oisin F-B, SI B - Jennifer A



Holden Houston, 1A - Marie K

Ben loves Lego!!

Billy C, 3A - Helen C

Hunter H, 1A - Marie K

Soon I will see all my friends and we will go camping together 🙂

Oisín B, 4B - Ben N


Alannah, 6B - Chrissie S

Joined effort of the 2 sisters using a wide range of materials and techniques.


Luke T, SI A - Dervla B

Luke T, SI A - Dervla B

Tiny without helmet - I made this for the space suit design during creative week.

Making a card for grandad's birthday

Aela R, 3A - Helen C

Ben M, JI B - Victoria S

Maisie S, JI B - Victoria S

Willow B, 3A - Helen C

Hunter H, 1A - Marie K

Creativity week has been fun

Rachel O'B, 1A - Marie K

Holden Houston, 1A - Marie K

Luke T, SI A - Dervla B

Daniel K, JI B - Victoria S

Sonny, 3B - Neil A

Libby Houston, 3B - Neil A

I loved creativity week, thank you so much! I made a maze, a lava lamp and an origami kangaroo.

Having fun with food!

Maisie S, JI B - Victoria S

Sonny, 3B - Neil A

Daniel K, JI B - Victoria S

I built the lego mouse pad with a secret key so that I only I knew how to time travel in this machine I built.

Rachel O'B, 1A - Marie K

Sam S, SI B - Jennifer A

Daniel K, JI B - Victoria S

Daniel O'B, 3B - Neil A


Hugh F-B, 3B - Neil A

Billy C, 3A - Helen C

Luke T, SI A - Dervla B

I loved creativity week, thank you so much! I made a maze, a lava lamp and an origami kangaroo.

Nikola L, SI A - Dervla B

Rachel O'B, 1A - Marie K

Sonny, 3B - Neil A

Time machine

Anna Mc, 3B - Neil A

Sonny, 3B - Neil A

Tiny with helmet - I made this for the space suit design during creative week.

Self portrait - pinks, red highlight

Llewyn R, JI A - Liz G

Joined effort of the 2 sisters using a wide range of materials and techniques.

1A - Marie K

My art with stones and shells

Libby H, 3B - Neil A

I built the lego mouse pad with a secret key so that I only I knew how to time travel in this machine I built.


Lucas K

Tess M, JI B - Victoria S

4B - Ben N

Luke T, SI A - Dervla B

1A - Marie K

I have made nature mandala

Oisín B, 4B - Ben N

Do u like my work?

Nikola L, SI A - Dervla B

Family Cowman, 1B - Eva M

Do u like my work?

Time machine

Holden H, 1A - Marie K

Luke T, SI A - Dervla B

I loved creativity week, thank you so much! I made a maze, a lava lamp and an origami kangaroo.

Holden H, 1A - Marie K

Libby Houston, 3B - Neil A

Ben M, JI B - Victoria S

Sonny, 3B - Neil A

4B - Ben N

Stone art on Killiney beach

Oisín B, 4B - Ben N

Sam S, SI B - Jennifer A

My art with stones and shells

Eden B, 5B - Shane N

Holden H, 1A - Marie K

Time machine

Creative Poster with Newspapers

Eden B, 5B - Shane N

Aquarium - I have really enjoyed creativity week.


1A - Marie K

Esmé’s String Den

Libby H, 3B - Neil A

Daniel O'B, 3B - Neil A