Johnny Magee, GAA
Neil Adams, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, Sport, 0
We are delighted to have Johnny Magee back in METNS! He is working with the Senior Infant and 1st...
METNS Musical Medley 2018
Monkstown ETNS, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, 3rd Class A, 3rd Class B, 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, Junior Infants A, Junior Infants B, Junior Infants C, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, 0
19:00 - Junior Infants A, B & C, Senior Infants A, 1st Class A & 2nd Class A 20:30...
Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge
Molly Boydell, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, 3rd Class A, 3rd Class B, 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, Ethos, Junior Infants A, Junior Infants B, Junior Infants C, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, 0
Bhí 'Seachtain na Gaeilge' iontach againn ar scoil an seachtain seo chaite. Bhí go leor gníomhaíochtaí eagsúla ar siúl...
Goodbye Buddies
Sarah J, , 6th Class A, School Blog, Senior Infants A, 0
We said goodbye to our sixth class buddies this week. We will really miss them and we wish them...
Positive Behaviour Policy Pupil Survey
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, 0
The METNS Positive Behaviour Committee have created a pupil survey to inform the review of our METNS Positive Behaviour...
6b hit Honeypark
Advantage Point Admin, , BLOGS, 0
15 hot chocolates was the order in Costa when some of the kids from 6b visited. Afterwards they got...
Girls soccer team’s success
Advantage Point Admin, , BLOGS, Community Blog, 0
Congratulations to the girls soccer team have just qualified from the group stages to the quarter final of the...
Making Circuits in 4th Class B
Neil Adams, , 4th Class B, EVENTS, School Blog, 0
We have been learning all about electrical circuits. We have been busy designing and making our own circuits to...