What is the New Language Curriculum?
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, 0
The new Language Curriculum is now being implemented in schools all over Ireland. There will be ongoing training for...
All Ireland Senior Football Winner Lauren McGee comes to METNS
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, Uncategorized, 0
We were delighted to welcome Lauren McGee to METNS with the Brendan Martin Trophy. Lauren plays football with the...
Book Fair 2023
Monkstown ETNS, , Uncategorized, 0
Overview Books benefit everyone and to ensure that as many children as possible have access to the best books....
Junior infants b – painting with primary colours!
Victoria Stuart, , Junior Infants B, NewsTicker, School Blog, Uncategorized, 0
In art this week we explored colour mixing. We learned that red, blue and yellow are called the primary...
Farewell Rosario!
Molly Boydell, , BLOGS, CLASSES, School Blog, 0
Goodbye Rosario - a beautiful photo to say farewell!
Soccer Success
Molly Boydell, , BLOGS, School Blog, Sport, 0
Our girls' soccer team, with girls from 3rd class, 5th and 6th classes, made it through the very competitive...
6th Class Debut at Young Scientist of the Year
Advantage Point Admin, , BLOGS, School Blog, 0
6th Class Debut at Young Scientist of the Year
Jolabokaflod in 5B
Molly Boydell, , 5th Class B, School Blog, 0
5B spent Friday morning joining in with Icelandic tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve each year where people give each...