+ Cycle Safety Art competition Advantage Point Admin, 27th June 201727th June 2017, BLOGS, Community Blog, 0 Congratulations to Elsa Lambe, who won a prize for her picture in the recent Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Cycle Safety...
+ Monster Mash 2018 METNS Web, 23rd November 201820th March 2019, BLOGS, School Blog, 0 One of the craziest and scariest days of the year in METNS is our Hallowe'en Parade or Monster Mash....
+ Sound Effects Production by 3B Neil Adams, 14th February 202014th February 2020, 3rd Class B, BLOGS, CLASSES, Community Blog, School Blog, 0 Third Class B have been busy learning about the science of sound these past few weeks. This led us...
+ Creativity Week 2020 Photo Gallery Monkstown ETNS, 25th June 202025th June 2020, Community Blog, School Blog, 0 15th to 19th June 2020
+ METNS Community Winter Fair Monkstown ETNS, 23rd November 20166th April 2017, BLOGS, Community Blog, PTA, 0 Feedback received on our METNS Annual Winter Fair has been fantastic! It goes without saying that the success of the...
+ New Engineering Kits: Bridges METNS Web, 5th November 201920th November 2019, BLOGS, ECA, School Blog, 0 Recently METNS purchased Engineering Kits for Bridge Building. In STEM we used the kits to design our own bridges....
+ Measuring rainfall in 4B Molly Boydell, 19th December 201820th March 2019, 4th Class B, BLOGS, School Blog, 0 Studying the water cycle - measuring rainfall in 4B
+ Aistear in Senior Infants Sarah J, 26th November 201829th November 2018, BLOGS, CLASSES, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, 0 Both senior infants classes have been enjoying Aistear since September. We have explored the topics of school, autumn, weather...