Johnny Magee, GAA
Neil Adams, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, Sport, 0
We are delighted to have Johnny Magee back in METNS! He is working with the Senior Infant and 1st...
The Great METNS Bake off
Advantage Point Admin, , PTA, School Blog, 0
The Great METNS BakeOff Fri 16th Nov School Hall | 8.30, 13.10, 14.10 and 15.15 Do you have...
Senior infants digging potatoes
Sarah J, , BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, Uncategorized, garden, potatoes, senior infants, 0
Senior infants a and b really enjoyed digging potatoes with AnnMarie last week. The children loved finding the teeny...
What is the New Language Curriculum?
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, 0
The new Language Curriculum is now being implemented in schools all over Ireland. There will be ongoing training for...
The Everywhere Bear in Senior Infants
Sarah J, , BLOGS, School Blog, Senior Infants A, 0
The Everywhere Bear in Senior Infants
September in senior infants b
Sarah J, , School Blog, Senior Infants B, Uncategorized, 0
Senior infants b have been very busy over the last few weeks. We hope you enjoy these photos!
Monkstown Educate Together National School officially opened by local Minister Mary Hanafin TD
Monkstown ETNS, , Community Blog, Educate Together, School Blog, 0
The new building housing Monkstown Educate Together National School was officially opened today (Friday June 12th) by Minister Mary...
Jolabokaflod in 5B
Molly Boydell, , 5th Class B, School Blog, 0
5B spent Friday morning joining in with Icelandic tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve each year where people give each...