Our value of the month at METNS is resilience.  Other words for this are perseverance and grit.  We are teaching about the importance of resilience and of continuing to try, even when things are difficult.  When we do this we have a growth mind-set.

What is a growth mind-set?

A growth mind-set…

Means that you believe that intelligence can be developed…

And you have a passion to learn which means you…

Embrace challenge…

Learn from criticism…

Keep going when things get tough…

Are inspired by the greatness in others…


…see effort as the path to mastery!

A value is a principle that guides your thinking and behaviour.  How does focusing on resilience do this?  Believe it or not, each one of us has the power to change our mind-set to a growth mind-set.

Make it your goal to adapt a growth mind-set in all you do this month!  A well-known mantra is…

If at first you don’t succeed,

Try, try and try again!

Never be afraid to ask for help!

And remember wise words……

© 2025 Monkstown ETNS. Roll # 20060G. Registered Charity # 20118648.

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