Primary Language Curriculum Whole Staff Inservice Day
METNS Web, , CLASSES, School Blog, 0
Following the introduction of the new Primary Language Curriculum, outlined in circular 61/15, all schools are required to close...
Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Training Evening
Advantage Point Admin, , BLOGS, Ethos, Featured Event, School Blog, 0
The METNS Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the METNS Ethos Committee are delighted to invite all parents and guardians...
Value for November – Resilience
Monkstown ETNS, , Ethos, Value of the Month, 0
Our value of the month at METNS is resilience. Other words for this are perseverance and grit. We are...
Rainbows of Positivity
Neil Adams, , 1st Class A, School Blog, Value of the Month, 0
For the month of October, we have been focusing on Positivity as our Value of the Month. We looked...
What is the New Language Curriculum?
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, 0
The new Language Curriculum is now being implemented in schools all over Ireland. There will be ongoing training for...
Are You Ready For The Beast?
Molly Boydell, , 5th Class A, BLOGS, School Blog, 0
Artwork by David Hurst
Value for December – Thankfulness & Peacefulness
Monkstown ETNS, , Ethos, Value of the Month, 0
Our values of the month at METNS are thankfulness and peacefulness. At wintertime and over the holiday season, we...
The annual METNS Monster Mash 2019
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, 0
The Annual METNS Monster Mash took place on 25th October. It was a scary affair with ghosts, goblins, wizards, witches, dinosaurs and some...