2A Explore 2D Shapes
Sarah J, , 2nd Class A, BLOGS, CLASSES, School Blog, 0
In second class we constructed pictures using 2D shapes then used lollipop sticks to investigate their properties! It was...
6B Science Blast Project
Molly Boydell, , 6th Class B, BLOGS, School Blog, 0
We worked really hard in 6th class on our Science Blast project. We were investigating if music affects how...
METNS Prizewinning Artists
Ms Kealy, , Community Blog, 0
We are delighted to announce that the winners in the Primary Schools Drawing Competition 2018 as part of DLR's...
The Legend of Kevin
Sarah C, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, NewsTicker, School Blog, 0
Over the month of March, 1st Class B were visited every Wednesday by Sara Keating who read us the...
RIP Charlie Foy
Monkstown ETNS, , Community Blog, School Blog, 0
The METNS community offers its deepest condolences to Alan and Caitriona Foy on the death of their lovely son...
Neil Adams, , 6th Class A, 6th Class B, CLASSES, Community Blog, Educate Together, School Blog, 0
Sixth Class A & B took a trip to Science Blast in the RDS on Wednesday 4th March. Our...
Operation Transformation
Monkstown ETNS, , BLOGS, Community Blog, Sport, 0
METNS will be participating in the 10@10 on the 10th February 2016. To celebrate ten years of Operation Transformation,...
Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge
Molly Boydell, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, 2nd Class B, 3rd Class A, 3rd Class B, 4th Class A, 4th Class B, 5th Class A, 5th Class B, 6th Class A, 6th Class B, Ethos, Junior Infants A, Junior Infants B, Junior Infants C, School Blog, Senior Infants A, Senior Infants B, 0
Bhí 'Seachtain na Gaeilge' iontach againn ar scoil an seachtain seo chaite. Bhí go leor gníomhaíochtaí eagsúla ar siúl...