Farewell Rosario!
Molly Boydell, , BLOGS, CLASSES, School Blog, 0
Goodbye Rosario - a beautiful photo to say farewell!
The Legend of Kevin
Sarah C, , 1st Class A, 1st Class B, 2nd Class A, NewsTicker, School Blog, 0
Over the month of March, 1st Class B were visited every Wednesday by Sara Keating who read us the...
Valentine’s Day with Romero Britto
Ben Naughton, , 4th Class B, Community Blog, School Blog, 0
In 4B we looked at Romero Britto's amazing work, focusing on his fantastic hearts. We created some animals in...
5th Classes’ Age of Discovery
Advantage Point Admin, , 5th Class A, BLOGS, Community Blog, 0
These “Age of Discovery” artworks were created by 5th class A by finely grating chalk pastels into a tray of...
Our Autumn Walk to the Horse Chestnut Tree
Neil Adams, , 1st Class A, School Blog, 0
The children in 1A walked to the Horse Chestnut Tree in front of the college and had fun collecting...
Positive Behaviour Survey 2017
Advantage Point Admin, , School Blog, 0
We are currently reviewing our Positive Behaviour Policy and would like all parents to fill out the survey by...
Jodi brings home first place in Gymnastic finals
Advantage Point Admin, , BLOGS, Community Blog, 0
Congratulations to Jodi Benwell, who came first overall under 7, at level 3, in the gymnastic nationals yesterday. She...
Welcome from the Principal
Advantage Point Admin, , BLOGS, Official Notices, School Blog, 0
Dear Parents/ Guardians, It is my pleasure to welcome you all back to a new academic year at METNS....