Past School Blog Posts
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The new building housing Monkstown Educate Together National School was officially opened today (Friday June 12th) by Minister Mary Hanafin TD, at Kill Avenue in Dun Laoghaire. The New School Building is welcomed after an 11-year Wait. The primary school, which spent 11 years in temporary accommodation in portacabins off Monkstown Avenue, moved to the new purpose-built building last November.
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Each winner will receive a €5.00 Book Fair Voucher Junior Infants A         Lena Dunne Junior Infants B         Phoebe Senior Infants A         Romy Senior Infants B         Juno 1st Class A           Camilla 1st Class B           Isabelle 2nd Class A          Elsa 2nd Class B          Sebastian 3rd Class A          Sibeal 3rd Class B          Eoghan Quinn 4th Class A          Luan 4th Class B          Lea 5th
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Wynn’s Hotel, Abbey St Friday 29th January 2016 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The conference is for parents, educators, – anybody who works with children. The speakers will share their wealth of knowledge on what educational support children are entitled to and how to access it. The aim is that people will leave with confidence, knowledge and motivation that will
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Evelyn McGoldrick JIB was the winner of a Family Pass for 6 to Clare Lara Fun Park. The draw took place on the last day of school – 29th June. Well done to Evelyn and we hope the McGoldricks have a fun time at Clara Lara.
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Lea Moloney’s Jasper the Cat won a Merit in the Texaco Art Competition. See here for her work displayed in the competition gallery.
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Feedback received on our METNS Annual Winter Fair has been fantastic! It goes without saying that the success of the Fair doesn’t happen without the true dedication and commitment of many parents and teachers alike. A massive thank you to each and every one of you for your contribution, we could not have pulled it off without you. Thank you so
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Protected: METNS ‘The ERAs Tour’ A

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Revised Healthy Eating Policy

A revised Healthy Eating Policy has been launched! The revision of this policy is in response to significant problems in Ireland with obesity, type 2 diabetes and general health and fitness in children. METNS supports parents in their efforts to keep children healthy and encourages the eating of nutritious food to sustain children throughout the school day.

RIP Catherine Earley

Monkstown Educate Together is very saddened by the untimely death of Catherine Earley. Catherine was an early supporter of Dalkey School Project N.S. which her children attended. A number of years later, despite having no vested interest, she also became involved in Monkstown Educate Together N.S. early on in its development. She served as both Enrolment Officer and Chairperson of

RIP Charlie Foy

The METNS community offers its deepest condolences to Alan and Caitriona Foy on the death of their lovely son Charlie. Our sympathies are extended to Harry (3B) and Sadie (who will be joining us in September) whom we will support in every possible way. With care and love from the staff, the Board of Management and the entire community.

3B’s ‘Sustainable Energy Week’ Videos

3B did a lot of work leading into and as part of the METNS Sustainable Energy Week. They learned a lot about the causes and effects of global warming and explored possible solutions. They were struck by Greta Thunberg's message which is to 'inform yourself and to spread the word' and so in line with this they made videos for

Jack Marley Visit

Jack Michael Marley, METNS student from the class of 2015, called in with his gold medal. Jack is the European Heavyweight U22 Boxing Champion. NINETEEN-year-old Jack won his European U-22 boxing gold in Porec, Croatia. Jack fought the Italian Roberto Lizzi in a one-sided final as he swept to a unanimous points victory. Jack brought in his medal and did

‘Windows to the Soul’ 2021 Gallery

Photos from 'Windows to the Soul' 2021Halloween 2021 - 31st OctoberMCA Fundraiser - Halloween 20214B & 6A - The HurleysIMG_20211031_150037SI B - Lucía HJI C & 1B - Alannah & Leah WSI B & 1B - Anna & Sam OJI C & 1A - Hannah & Noah Mac H1A & 4A - Roe FamilyJI C - Roan ScallyJI A -

Farewell to our School Traffic Warden, Josephine

Our School Traffic Warden, Josephine is retiring this week. Josephine Carr has ensured METNS families crossed Kill Avenue safely,  for many years and we are very grateful. Hail, rain or shine Josephine looked after us and now we wish her all the best in her retirement. The children of 1st class, along with members of the MCA and BOM gathered in

VotM is Character Strengths

Our value for this month is a celebration of Character Strengths. Character Strengths are part of who we are. They are aspects of our personality, which can help us to live a happy, fulfilled and purposeful life. We have all shown amazing character strengths in how we have handled the challenges of the past fourteen months, on a personal and

Jolabokaflod in 5B

5B spent Friday morning joining in with Icelandic tradition celebrated on Christmas Eve each year where people give each other books as gifts and spend the evening reading and eating chocolate! This tradition is known as Jolabokaflod, which translates roughly to “Christmas book flood” in English. Jolabokaflod started during World War II, when paper was one of the few things not rationed

Winter in senior infants a

We hope that you enjoy these photographs of the children in senior infants a. We have had a very busy term! We wish you all a peaceful winter break.

2A The Paper Dolls

We read the storybook The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb. The children really enjoyed the story and had great fun using paper fasteners to make their own moving paper people!

VotM Peacefulness

Our value of the month at METNS is peacefulness. This holiday season in particular, following a time of turbulence, we welcome the opportunity to spend time with family and close friends, to relax and to reflect.  However scaled down our gatherings, a break from our busy schedules is a welcome retreat and a chance to celebrate our shared values and


Making Circuits in 4th Class B

We have been learning all about electrical circuits. We have been busy designing and making our own circuits to light bulbs, drive motors and work buzzers. We have also made a test circuit to see which types of materials are  electrical conductors and which are insulators. +++++++

Where does the money go?

Have you ever wondered where the commission money from the Book Fair goes? Well, this week we got a class set of 32 novels, of two new books: The Explorer by Katherine Rundell and Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. For every Euro spent at the Book Fair the school gets 60c in commission back, to spend on books and resources

Halloween and Marian’s Wood

Senior infants really enjoyed exploring the themes of autumn and The Witches' Den in October. We hope you enjoy our photos!

2A – The Paper Dolls

We read The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and RebeccaCobb. We were inspired by the illustrations and creativity in thestory and decided to make our own paper dolls and people! Thechildren enjoyed using their imaginations and concentrated verywell when attaching the different body parts with paperfasteners! The class were so proud of their creations and actedout little dramas with their

VotM Thankfulness

Our value of the month at METNS for November is thankfulness.  Following on from harvest time, November is the month where Thanksgiving is celebrated. This festival gives us an opportunity to appreciate all the good things we have and to acknowledge our good fortune. Why Thankfulness Matters: What is thankfulness? We describe thankfulness as having an attitude of gratitude. We

‘Windows to the Soul’ 2020 Gallery

Photos from 'Windows to the Soul' 2020Halloween 2020 - 31st OctoberSend HELP!!Spooky!014Our Halloween houseCreative and spooky skulls vs pumpkins011Dominic's spooky windowMario and Ninjago on a witch huntIn the red corner it's Evil Cat in the Hat, in the blue corner it's Random Werewolf!Halloween 2020Halloween 2020Happy Halloween007Spooky spiderSpooky windowCovid HalloweenAlexis’s creationThank you METNS!!!012

Monster Mash 2020

Our Autumn Walk to the Horse Chestnut Tree

The children in 1A walked to the Horse Chestnut Tree in front of the college and had fun collecting leaves and conkers and running about. We are hoping to visit again to see the changes throughout the seasons!

Our Hallowe’en Silhouette Paintings

In 1A we had fun using Hallowe'en stencils to create spooky silhouettes on our painted backgrounds. Our classroom is decorated with our paintings, as well as bats and spiders!

Our Funny Paper Plate Autumn Faces

In 1A, we collected leaves, twigs and other nature items and stuck them onto a paper plate to create a funny face. They turned out great and they are all very unique!

Our Self Portraits

We, in Marie's 1A,  talked about our features and how we look different to everybody else. We discussed how our features have changed along the way since we were very small babies. Then we drew our self portraits in a decorated frame and they are displayed in our classroom.

Rainbows of Positivity

For the month of October, we have been focusing on Positivity as our Value of the Month. We looked at little videos and read stories to learn about how we can develop a sense of "I can.." about even difficult situations. We thought of ways in which we can be positive and have a positive attitude and we wrote our

October in senior infants a

September in senior infants b

Senior infants b have been very busy over the last few weeks. We hope you enjoy these photos!

September in senior infants a

Here are a few photos of senior infants a taken in September. We hope you enjoy looking through them!

October in senior infants b

Senior infants b have had so much fun in October. We have been as busy as bees in our classroom. We hope you enjoy the photographs!

The Builders Have Arrived

The extension is officially underway today. The builders arrived onsite this am and the digging up of the yard has begun, to make way for our extension. There was lots of excitement and interest in all the machinery. We look forward to updating the community of the progress, in the coming weeks & months. The 6A Team +++++++++++ Project Description

4B Portraiture

We have been focusing on different kinds of portraiture in art over the past month. Here are two examples of very different kinds of portraits that we've done. One is a Superhero Self-Portrait and the other is a Cubist Portrait. ++++++

2A Fun in the Sun

We have a class of amazing athletes in 2A! The children got active last week and burned off lots of energy in an obstacle course team challenge. They took turns displaying so much talent weaving, hula hooping, beanbag balancing, sprinting and doing plenty of super jumping jacks! They cheered on their teammates between breaths and had lots of fun! Well

Johnny Magee, GAA

We are delighted to have Johnny Magee back in METNS! He is working with the Senior Infant and 1st classes for the next 8 weeks. It's wonderful to see him back again working with our children.

2A’s Return to Marian’s Wood

2A took advantage of the lovely, sunny weather last week and walked over to Marian's Wood for a visit - it had been too long! The children had lots of fun playing and exploring! +++++++++

Senior infants digging potatoes

Senior infants a and b really enjoyed digging potatoes with AnnMarie last week. The children loved finding the teeny tiny potatoes! We hope you enjoy the photographs.

Remember our lovely school?

Have a look and see if you can remember every single part of the school and where it is in the building... See you after the holidays - have a great summer!

Virtual Tours Week 2020 Photo Gallery

Photos from Virtual Tours Week 202022nd to 26th June 2020Braddocks, 3A - Helen CBraddock's, 3A - Helen CBraddocks, 3A - Helen CBraddocks, 3A - Helen CBraddocks, 5B - Shane NBraddocks, 5B - Shane NBraddocks, 1A - Marie KBraddock's, 5B - Shane NBraddock's, 3A - Helen CSiun H, 4B - Ben NIMG_20200622_134353Levi B, 1A - Marie KBraddocks, 1A - Marie KBraddocks,

Creativity Week 2020 Photo Gallery

Photos from Creativity Week 202015th to 19th June 2020Tess M, JI B - Victoria SRachel O'B, 1A - Marie KDSC_2631image-1-scaledI have really enjoyed creativity week.Daniel O'B, 3B - Neil ABen M, JI B - Victoria SDaniel K, JI B - Victoria SSonny, 3B - Neil AMaisie S, JI B - Victoria SNikola L, SI A - Dervla BSam S, SI

Value for June – Healthy Body, Happy Mind

Our value of the month is 'Healthy Body, Happy Mind'. We focus on what it means to be healthy and to have a balanced life-style. This value will underpin many of the proposed other activities for our pupils this month, with a special focus on Fridays in June. There will be two active Fridays in the Month of June, Friday

AnnMarie in the school garden

AnnMarie in the school garden

Hi from AnnMarie

Hi from AnnMarie

Value for May – Mindfulness

Our value of the month at METNS is Mindfulness. We focus on being present to ourselves, to one another and to the world around us.   Why Mindfulness Matters Research shows that regular mindfulness practice brings many benefits, including greater life satisfaction, higher levels of emotional regulation, higher self-esteem, longer and healthier life, decreased anxiety, depression and irritability. What is

Value for April – Active Citizenship

Our value of the month at METNS is Active Citizenship. We focus on belonging and on ways to make a positive contribution to society. This value is very much in line with our Green School goals for the current year, our support for government action on sustainability, our engagement with Earth Hour on March 30th and our recent endorsement of

Get Creative – Spring / Easter Creativity Challenge

Get Creative - Spring / Easter Creativity Challenge Normally at METNS we have our Easter Bonnet Parade, where we get creative and take to the yard to show off our catwalk and millinery talents. This year we have come up with a new way of doing it... We want you to get creative - the medium is entirely up to

METNS COVID-19 Response

Looking around the building

Valentine’s Day with Romero Britto

In 4B we looked at Romero Britto's amazing work, focusing on his fantastic hearts. We created some animals in his style and for our creative homework we made a Valentine's themed piece for someone. They were great fun and all of our Valentines were delighted! They were the perfect piece to finish our half-term! Check out some of our work

Social Justice Activists

In 4B we have created some amazing projects looking at the fantastic work of Social Justice Activists. We looked at influential people that changed the face of our world today and made it into a more accepting place, these people fought injustice and are role models for us today. We researched and created projects on Abraham Lincoln, Bryan Stevenson, Frederick

Changes to the way SNAs are allocated

Newstalk Podcast 06/03/2020: "THESE CHANGES TO THE WAY SNA'S ARE ALLOCATED ARE NOT IN THE INTERESTS OF CHILDREN" 20200306_Newstalk-SNA-report Barry Whyte reports: Opposition is growing against plans to change the way special needs assistants are allocated here.   Last December the Department of Education approved changes which will reform the way 10,000 plus SNA's are allocated from next September.  


Sixth Class A & B took a trip to Science Blast in the RDS on Wednesday 4th March. Our project in 6A was; ‘Can you power a toy car using sustainable energy?’ We were in groups of five and each displayed a poster showing our work, and we also had our cars on display with a roadway for people to

Value for March – Kindness & Empathy

Our values of the month at METNS are kindness and empathy. We continue to focus on the key relationships in our lives and on ways to make our relationships with others more positive. Why Kindness and Empathy Matter Kindness and Empathy are crucial components of positive relationships as they provide the basis for deep understanding, concern and connection. What is

Latest News from Sixth Class B

On 13th December 2019 we received the heart-shattering news that our classmate and good friend Samuel Roquette had passed away due to leukemia after getting it a second time. We were all extremely devastated and are now trying to get used to being in our class without him. He was a great person, pure of heart and loved by all.

ESB workshop

Second class had a wonderful visit from Finn's Mum (2A) and the ESB last month to brighten up a dull and dreary January. They taught us about the work they do and highlighted all the different ways we use electricity every single day, at home and at school. To put all we'd learned in to practice, the ESB supplied us

Yoga with Caragh

2nd class b really enjoyed yoga in the hall with Caragh last term. The children looked forward to tree pose all week! Caragh made yoga relaxing and fun through lots of different songs, games and dancing. The children's teddies were even invited to strike a pose one week! We had the best time, thank you Caragh! +++++++

The Sam Maguire Cup

The Dublin team filled our hearts with pride when they won the Sam Maguire Cup for the fifth time in a row in 2019. Johnny, our GAA coach treated the children to a visit with the cup and answered lots of questions the day before Valentine's Day. Thank you Johnny, we are so lucky to have you as our GAA

Sam Maguire Returns to METNS

Johnny Magee, former Dublin footballer and METNS GAA coach, came to the school to show all the children, from Junior Infants to 6th class, the Sam Maguire Cup. Johnny took the time to talk about the cup with all the classes. He gave signed pictures of the Dublin team to every class group. Leaflets were also made available for all

Sound Effects Production by 3B

Third Class B have been busy learning about the science of sound these past few weeks. This led us on to learning about sound production in film and video and learning about the work of a foley artist . We then practiced our skills by becoming foley artists ourselves and creating a sound effects track to go along with some

Pat Norris: Rocket Scientist

Pat Norris worked on the navigation systems that helped the Apollo space missions land a man on the moon, and more importantly get him home again! He worked with NASA at a very exciting time when the USA and USSR were in a battle to put the first human on the moon. Pat came to METNS and told the children

Tunes Ringing out from 4B

Among all of the great work in 4th Class B, we have been fine tuning our skills as Irish Musicians. If you do hear some fine Irish music ringing out, do stop into 4B! Since September we have put on great performances for Special Relatives and as part of a senior assembly, playing some fantastic tunes such as Britches Full

Samuel Roquette

We mark with sadness the passing of one of our 6th class pupils. Samuel was a funny, creative, popular, sporty guy who, in fact, had everything going for him.  Samuel filled his classroom with fun and jokes, friendship and great work. His friends in Chrissie’s 6th class are lost without him, as we all are. Our hearts break for his parents, Louise and Benjamin, his

Value for February – Positive Relationships

Our value of the month at METNS is Positive Relationships – We focus on the key relationships in our lives and on ways to make our relationships with others more positive.

Green Christmas

Our Green Team have being working to try and come up with ideas for us all to make our Christmas greener and more sustainable. Check out our gallery! ++++++++++

Inky the mouse on the loose in Junior Infants

Junior Infants used clay to make Inky the mouse. Call down to the JI corridor to see Inky in his mouse hole. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE MICE!

The annual METNS Monster Mash 2019

The Annual METNS Monster Mash took place on 25th October. It was a scary affair with ghosts, goblins, wizards, witches, dinosaurs and some very strange looking staff! We were all  very surprised with the arrival of the Sam Maguire Trophy. Chrissie the Pirate, who has a habit of stealing treasure, like all good pirates, stole it from the Dublin footballers.  Thankfully AnnMarie has returned

All Ireland Senior Football  Winner Lauren McGee comes to METNS

We were delighted to welcome Lauren McGee to METNS with the Brendan Martin Trophy. Lauren plays football with the Dublin Senior team and Kilmacud Crokes. Lauren has won three All Ireland medals for Dublin and an  All Star in 2018. Lauren’s Dad, Johnny is the METNS GAA coach. The children got to participate in a Q&A with Lauren.   +++++++++++++++

Value of the Month – November 2019

Our value of the month at METNS is thankfulness.  Following on from harvest time, November is the month where Thanksgiving is celebrated. This festival gives us an opportunity to appreciate all the good things we have and to acknowledge our good fortune. Why Thankfulness Matters: What is thankfulness? We describe thankfulness as having an attitude of gratitude. We show thankfulness

New Engineering Kits: Bridges

Recently METNS purchased Engineering Kits for Bridge Building. In STEM we used the kits to design our own bridges. We added a touch of flair to them by adding LED lights. These kits were funded by ECA and an ICT grant the school received over the summer.

What is the New Language Curriculum?

The new Language Curriculum is now being implemented in schools all over Ireland. There will be ongoing training for staff, in this new and exciting approach to teaching English & Irish in our school. Here is a video that should give you some insight into this new curriculum.  

Value for October – Positive Relationships

Our value of the month at METNS is Positive Relationships. We focus on the key relationships in our lives and on ways to make our relationships with others more positive. Why Positive Relationships Matter What are Positive Relationships? We need to remind ourselves that our relationships with those close to us have the potential to enrich our lives. A positive

The Everywhere Bear Part 3

Thank you to all the children and families who hosted the Everywhere Bear in term 3. He really had a lovely time and got to enjoy lots of new activities and plenty of snuggles! He is off to the washing machine now and he will keep Sarah’s new baby company in August.  Have a great summer!

Goodbye Buddies

We said goodbye to our sixth class buddies this week. We will really miss them and we wish them all the best as they move to secondary school. Thank you to Chrissie and Lisa for helping us with our buddy activities.

Senior infants visit Airfield

Our trip to Airfield Estate was a great success.  We learned about the animals and plants on the estate. We got to take part in a bug hunt and had endless fun in the playground. The trees proved easy to climb and we had a lot of fun enjoying nature. Thank you to all the parents and staff who accompanied

Aistear Term 3

We explored themes such as ‘Ireland’, 'Spring', ‘Being Green’, ‘The Sea’ and 'The Farm' in our Aistear stations. In case you are wondering, most of the lego creations in this post are leprechaun traps. After many mornings of failed attempts, we were successful on our final attempt! Our school said 'Slán le Paddy Plastic' in March and we took some

Teddy Bear Yoga with Caragh

We thoroughly enjoyed our yoga sessions with Caragh.  In particular, the teddy bear yoga was a big hit. We even treated our teddies to lunch afterwards. Thank you Caragh!

Sports Day in senior infants a

Senior infants a gave it their all on Sports Day. We were lucky with the weather and everyone participated so well in all the activities.  Thanks to Daniel for helping us out and to all the parents who came to see us in action!

Celebrating Creativity

We thoroughly enjoyed Celebrating Creativity for One Day Together in senior infants a.  We were lucky to have a visit from the musician Greg Felton who spoke to us about his job and the instruments he plays. Together we composed a song about an alien and sang the lyrics while Greg accompanied us on piano. Thank you Greg for taking

Lea wins at Texaco Art Competition

A massive congratulations to Lea Moloney, ex-METNS pupil and sister to Joe in 5B. Lea won first place in the Texaco Art Competition Category 12-13 years. Lea’s piece was titled, “My Ouma”. It is a beautiful portrait of her granny, who lives in South Africa.  Lea is an extremely talented artist and we are very proud of her, here at

Santry 2019

Last week, children from 3rd to 6th class went to Santry. Monday was the 'Track Day'. That day, we were represented by our METNS boys and girls in the hurdles; under 11's, 12's and 14's. We were also represented in the 600 metre race; under 11's, 12's and 14's. Ben Sharpe came in 2nd in the U 14-well done Ben!

Santry Field Events 2019

Leon, Ben, Conn, Cormac, Lucas, Sophie, Brianna, Aine, Samuel, Johnny, Jessica and Casey represented us brilliantly at the field events in Santry, Morton Stadium.  The events they competed in were 60m hurdles, 600m high jump and long jump. Every single one of the children made it through to finals. We had heartbreaking moments with near misses (Aine, Ben and Leon

Girls Soccer Team

METNS are so proud of their wonderful girl's soccer team who played so well in their recent league and cup games!

Boys Soccer Team

Well done to the boys soccer team who played really well this year. We are very proud of them!

Garden News

++++ Junior Infants helped Ann Marie plant potatoes in the garden. We all helped cover the little spuds with soil and we whispered some words of encouragement to help them grow! Hopefully we might get to taste a few later in the year!

Junior infants b – painting with primary colours!

In art this week we explored colour mixing.  We learned that red, blue and yellow are called the primary colours.  We put some red, yellow and blue paint in a clear plastic bag and then took turns to squish and mix the paint inside the bag - it was great fun and we discovered how to make green, purple and

Music Generation for 1st and 2nd class

1st and 2nd class were visited by four members of the music generation team recently for an interactive performance. The team taught us about their instruments, which were all from the same orchestral family, the strings. There was one viola, one cello and two violins. They taught us about Mozart and played us one of his most famous pieces 'Eine

Exploring the Universe

In 3B we investigated space. We completed amazing space projects and researched facts on Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Venus, Mercury and our home Earth. We enjoyed this very much! We were supposed to make mini projects, but we did full projects instead! Sarah thought that we did so well we deserved to get no homework on Monday. Our projects

The Vikings

Did you know that Vikings didn’t wear horned helmets? Would you guess that Viking men spent most of their time farming? Here in third class we investigated how the Vikings lived and the traditions they had. After we brushed up our knowledge we undertook to design and construct our own Viking houses. There were four steps to make our houses:

METNS Musical Medley 2018

Day 1 - Tuesday 11th December 2018 19:00 to 21:30 Show Details: 19:00 - Junior Infants A, B & C, Senior Infants A, 1st Class A & 2nd Class A 20:30 - 3rd Class A, 4th Class A, 5th Class A & 6th Class A 'Download & Keep' Details: Downloads are available in HD 1080p, HD 720p, SD 540p and

The Legend of Kevin

Over the month of March, 1st Class B were visited every Wednesday by Sara Keating who read us the story 'The Legend of Kevin'. We loved the story and were so lucky that Sara volunteered to come in and read the story for us. We completed tasks every week to accompany the story. We created our own characters, comic strips

Minibeast Hunt

1st Class B made the most of the March sunshine and headed out to our magical school garden to hunt for some minibeasts. We found lots of cool creatures from caterpillar to ladybug, centipede to woodlouse. We love exploring in nature around our school! minineast

Aistear Term 2

We hope you enjoy these photos from our Aistear time. We have explored themes such as Fairytales, Love and Friendship, and Ireland in term 2. We made dragons for Chinese New Year and fabric and fibre hearts for Valentine's Day. We have also been constructing, baking, crafting and creating. The children learn so much through play, look at these happy

The Everywhere Bear Part 2

The Everywhere Bear has had plenty of new adventures this term. He has enjoyed playing in the snow, swimming,  watching films, time in the playground and meeting a few lovely cats.  Ted has met a few babies and even helped to assemble a cot! The children love to hear his news and see the photographs from his weekend jaunts. +++++++++++++++++++++++++

5A Visit Mircosoft DreamSpace

On Tuesday, 5A travelled to Microsoft’s new state of the art building in Leopardstown,  to visit their amazing purpose built digital ‘Dream Space.’ We made the short journey by bus and upon arrival we were warmly greeted by the facilitators, Amanda and Enrica. We were taken on a short tour of the facility and shown around the amazing modern building.

Junior Infants A Baby Clinic

Junior Infants had so much fun minding all of the babies in our Aistear baby clinic. We learned how to wash the babies, dress the babies and we gave them plenty of cuddles too! ++++++++

Junior infants c Baby Clinic

Junior infants c had so much fun learning about birth and new life as part of our Aistear theme 'The Baby Clinic'. They were so gentle with the babies and had so much fun naming the babies, dressing, feeding them and bathing them! +++++++++++++++

Junior infants b Baby Clinic

We enjoyed working in our Baby Clinic over the past number of weeks.  We worked as nurses, doctors, receptionists and pretended to be parents.  We made a variety of baby items from playdough and also had loads of fun washing and dressing our babies during water play.   We hope you enjoy the photos! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí 'Seachtain na Gaeilge' iontach againn ar scoil an seachtain seo chaite. Bhí go leor gníomhaíochtaí eagsúla ar siúl timpeall na scoile. Ag deireadh na seachtaine ghléas gach duine in éadaí glasa agus bhí ceolchoirm thar bharr againn sa halla. Bhí sé soléir go raibh an scoil lán de bród na hÉireann. Bhaineamar an-sult as an gceol. Bhí beirt ceoltóirí

Green Protest for Climate Action

On March the 15th children gathered to protest outside government buildings in cities all over the world to show their concern regarding climate change and the widespread lack of political action regarding this matter. While some children from the school joined the protest in the city, METNS also joined in with a show of solidarity closer to home. We had

4B – Bugs and Beyond

4th Class B were invited to Trinity College Institute of Biochemistry and Immunology last week to take part in a workshop entitled "Bugs and Beyond". The children had a wonderful time and learned a lot about different types of bacteria and how these bacteria affect our bodies. There were lots of hands on activities and games and the staff there

5B Measuring Madness

Fifth Class B spent a morning measuring the classroom, their belongings, each other, their teacher, the hallways and the basketball pitch! They used lots of equipment from rulers and metre sticks to tape measures and trundle wheels. They measured the distance they could run in 10 seconds and worked out the distance to the Principal's office from the classroom. Everyone

Trip to Lexicon “Try An Instrument” 2B

Second Class B visited the Lexicon Library in Dun Laoighre on 14th March for their "Try an Instrument with Music Generation" session. The children started the session browsing the library and relaxing with a storybook. They were treated to some beautiful music pieces played on the violin by the facilitator of the session, some which sent them into an imaginative

2A Spring Walk

With a new season approaching, second class A went out and about on a walk to see if they could spot some signs of spring in the local environment. ++++++++++++++++++++++

6B Rockets

In January we created rockets out of pipe insulation. We wanted to figure out what angle we should launch the rockets from in order for them to travel the furthest. To do this we launched them using meter sticks and protractors. We used trundle wheels to measure how far they went and compared our results.

Saturday gardeners transform the school garden

On Saturday, March 9th, children and parents joined AnnMarie in the garden to bark mulch, and tidy, to sweep and prune and get the school garden 'planting-ready' for the children to start into the planting season. Joanna, with Charlotte, Leo and Hannah; Anna with Marta and Kuba, Simon with Theo, Toby and Aoibhín, Roise with Anne, Gillian with Dearbhla, Richie

National Tree Day 2019 – An Taisce @ METNS

The Cathaoirleach of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown, Ossian Smyth, together with lots of members of An Taisce DLR, join us to ceremoniously plant a tree at the back of our school. The green team welcomed the special visitors and showed them around our school garden. They were delighted with the children, the garden, the spring flowers in the front of the

6B Science Blast Project

We worked really hard in 6th class on our Science Blast project. We were investigating if music affects how we feel. We did 5 experiments with different classes in the school. On Thursday we went to the RDS to present our findings. We learned about a lot of other interesting things from the other schools there too. It was a

Building Spaghetti Structures in 4B

The children had great fun creating structures using spaghetti and marshmallows. The challenge was to build a strong and tall tower that could take the weight of a number of cups, using just these two materials. The different groups discovered, through trial and error, that triangles were strong shapes for this task. By combining many triangles together some groups made

Showered with Love in ECA Art!

In Molly's ECA art class the children have spent the past few weeks creating these beautiful mixed media relief pictures. We hope any lucky recipients were feeling the love this Valentine's Week! ++++

Protest for Climate Action

There is a growing movement amongst young people, inspired by the Swedish school girl Greta Thunberg, to put pressure on governments for increased action regarding climate change. On Wednesday the 13th of February, 6A and the senior members of the Green Team joined a group of other schools to protest in front of the Dail. This protest, organised by Donabate and

Chinese New Year in 2B

2nd B have been celebrating the Chinese New Year: Year of the Pig. We have read books, designed "hidden pig" pictures and practiced writing our names in Chinese characters, among other activities. Alexandra dressed in traditional Chinese costume this week to celebrate Chinese New Year. Her Dad is originally from China. She used a piece of red material to make

METNS Musical Medley 2019

The children in 6A discussed how it felt to be on stage and to perform. They then wrote poems to reflect that. Each child recited their poem to the rest of the class and the class then voted on the five they liked best... which is why we have seven! METNS Musical Medley  By Hannah 6A    Seeing the light

Workshop with Gold & Silversmith Maureen Lynch

Maureen Lynch visted METNS and worked with 3rd and 2nd class to make silver rings. Maureen is a mum to Sadhbh in 6b and Diarmuid and Muireann, who are past pupils. Maureen has been coming to METNS for many years now to work with the children. Thank you Maureen. See Maureen's work at ++++++

Creative Schools

Creative Schools Update During the week of January 7th, METNS were delighted to host visits from our newly appointed Creative Associate, Blaithín Quinn. Blaithín will be our facilitator and guide for the duration of the Creative Schools programme, the aim of which is to unlock the creative potential of every child. She spoke with the children at junior and senior

Science magic with the buddies – Dancing Snakes (6A and SIA)

Science magic with the buddies – Dancing Snakes (6A and SIA)

Remembering World War I with 6A

After learning about World War I, we decided to remind everyone to remember the people who lost their lives fighting in this horrible war.  To do this we made clay memorials to ensure that they and their sacrifices aren’t  forgotten.  We want to remind people that war isn’t as glorious as people make it out to be today.  The people who risked, and lost,

Internet Safety Workshops

On Wednesday 13th February 3rd-6th children, staff and parents/guardians will have an opportunity to participate in Internet Safety Workshops. The workshops will be facilitated by Zeeko -Supporting Children's Online Wellbeing. For more details on their work visit The session for Parents/Guardians will be at 7pm in the school hall.

Rethink your drink 6A

Do you think that you need to re-think what you drink?

Leinster Mascot – Leinster v Connacht

James from 1A was the mascot at the Leinster v Connacht games just before Christmas! +++

Congratulations to Norma – Fittest Family 2019

Congratulations  to Norma Sheahan (mammy to Jessica, Isabelle &  Jodi) who won Ireland’s Fittest Family Celebrity Special 2019. Norma and her family won €10,000 for their chosen charity, Cork ARC Cancer Support House. If you missed Norma’s display of brilliance you can catch it on the RTE player.

Primary Language Curriculum Whole Staff Inservice Day

Following the introduction of the new Primary Language Curriculum, outlined in circular 61/15, all schools are required to close for one day this year to provide in-service training to the staff. To reduce disruption to parents as much as possible, the Board of Management will close our school on Tuesday 19th March 2019. We are closed on Monday 18th March, for the St.

Parent Teacher Meetings 2019

Below are all the details for the Parent Teacher meetings for this year.

Snowflakes for Rosario

Snowflakes for Rosario – this year our tree was decorated as a homage to Rosario, our principal.

Farewell Rosario!

Goodbye Rosario – a beautiful photo to say farewell!

James the Mascot – Leinster Rugby!

James Walsh (1A) is flying the METNS flag at the RDS on Saturday as he leads the Leinster rugby team out in their home fixture against Connacht. We will be cheering wildly for you James (and for Leinster too). Go James!

Measuring rainfall in 4B

Studying the water cycle – measuring rainfall in 4B

Helpful Self Talk

We have been doing the Weaving Well-Being programme and we have been learning a very helpful life lesson which is to BE KIND TO YOURSELF. It helps you focus on the positive things over the negative and to have a positive mindset. Helpful self-talk has positive outcomes and can help your mind to think positively.  Instead of negative self-talk which might make

Single-Use Plastic Bottle Ban!

Single-Use Plastic Bottle Ban – January 2019!

Value for December – Thankfulness & Peacefulness

Our values of the month at METNS are thankfulness and peacefulness.  At wintertime and over the holiday season, we have the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, to relax and to reflect.  It gives us an opportunity to appreciate all the good things we have and to take a break from our busy schedules. At this time of

Aistear in Senior Infants

Both senior infants classes have been enjoying Aistear since September. We have explored the topics of school, autumn, weather and travel. As we are a Green School, we use lots of recycled materials gathered from home and from Recreate during our junk art, role-play and collage work. We thought you might like to see some photos of us in action.

The Everywhere Bear in Senior Infants

The Everywhere Bear in Senior Infants

Wonderful Report Writing in 2nd Class B

In 2B, we have been learning all about how to write a report on a topic such as thinking of an interesting title, catoregorizing the information under different headings, including a "did you know" or "interesting facts" section, having some catchy illustrations etc. We decided to do our own reports on the theme of a chosen animal and we were

2A Habitats and Biodiversity

Habitats and biodiversity – an experts visit!

2A Explore 2D Shapes

In second class we constructed pictures using 2D shapes then used lollipop sticks to investigate their properties! It was lots of fun and a great way to look at shapes in more detail! Next up 3D shapes! ++++++

Cooking All Stars

Fourth Class A were busy cooking. They are taking part in the Cooking All Star porgramme being sponsored by SuperValu. The children ALL got a chance to cook and taste their work. We kicked off our culinary adventure with scrambled eggs on toast!!!! Yummy

Monster Mash 2018

One of the craziest and scariest days of the year in METNS is our Hallowe'en Parade or Monster Mash. This year we had the creepiest creatures ever, turned up for our Mash. As always the final walk along the catwalk went to the scariest staff in Ireland.

Raising the Flag

Oisín from 2nd (now 3rd class) raised our 6th Green Flag in METNS. We worked through the theme 'Litter and Waste and Global citizenship' to earn it, and concentrated on topics such as the amount of plastic used in the world. We, as a school community, have resolved to cut back on our personal plastic usage, to abandon plastic straws

Sinking and Floating in 2a

In science, we learned about objects that sink and objects that float. We used marla to design our own boats in order to figure out what design works best for floating. Some boats even managed to carry passengers across the water! ++++

The Great METNS Bake off

The Great METNS BakeOff Fri 16th Nov School Hall | 8.30, 13.10, 14.10 and 15.15 Do you have a favorite healthy recipe that you think is a winner? Can you invent a healthy take on an old favorite? Enter The Great METNS Bakeoff to be in with a chance to win cupcakes for your whole class! There are two prize

Value for November – Resilience

Our value of the month at METNS is resilience.  Other words for this are perseverance and grit.  We are teaching about the importance of resilience and of continuing to try, even when things are difficult.  When we do this we have a growth mind-set. What is a growth mind-set? A growth mind-set… Means that you believe that intelligence can be

METNS Monster Mosh 2018

The annual Monster Mosh takes place this Friday in METNS hall. The catwalk is ready for the yearly appearance of ghosts, ghouls and goblins. All children and staff are welcome to dress up on Friday. Free Broom Rides, weathering permitting! Witch Parking provided, all others will be 'Toad'

Brexit Talk with RTE’s Paul Cunningham

RTE Political Correspondent, Paul Cunningham came into METNS to talk to 5th & 6th class about Brexit. Paul, more popularly known in METNS as James’ Dad, went viral recently with a report he did for News2Day on Brexit. His simple explanation is not only popular with children but adults too. Check out his News2Day report here: Paul also did

METNS Art Auction

Naomi Peppard Original watercolour dragon from the book ‘The return of the Dragon’ Naomi is currently a parent in the school. Naomi came into the school last year to give a workshop to all the classes on illustration when she and Don Briggs published their second book ‘The return of the Dragon’. Naomi kindly donated two of her original ‘dragons’

Value for October – Wellness

October 2018 Value of the Month: Wellness Our value of the month at METNS is wellness. Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth. "...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and

METNS Prizewinning Artists

We are delighted to announce that the winners in the Primary Schools Drawing Competition 2018 as part of DLR's Festival of Inclusion were: 5th Class - Edel Murray 6th Class - Martha Bray The judges  received nearly 800 entries! Martha and Edel attended an awards ceremony on Monday, 8th October at 4pm in Assembly Hall, County Hall, Dún Laoghaire with

Festival of Inclusion 2018

DLR FESTIVAL OF INCLUSION Every October, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown hosts the Festival of Inclusion, a series of events which aim to highlight the excellent work undertaken county-wide by community groups and organisations. Click the link below to see what’s happening this year.       Festival of Inclusion 2018 | dlr Events        

R.M.S. Leinster

October 10th will be the Centenary of the sinking of the RMS Leinster off the coast of Dun Laoghaire. Monkstown Educate Together NS will observe a minute silent reflection at 9:50am on Wednesday 10th October 2018, in memory of all who perished following the sinking of the Royal Mail Steamer. Between 09:30am and 09:40am, the RMS Leinster passed the Kish Light

Halloween Costume Sale

As mid-term and Halloween are fast approaching, the PTA have introduced a new event to help create this year's costume - a Halloween Costume sale. Old costumes can be dropped to the school on Monday and Tuesday (Oct. 8th & 9th). The PTA will organsie the costumes and have them ready for sale in the school hall on THURSDAY OCT. 11th 

Dyslexia Awareness Month

Dyslexia Awareness Month Our theme for this year’s awareness week is “Shout About Dyslexia”. This theme was chosen as we know it’s so important to be able to talk about your dyslexia openly. Dyslexia should not be whispered about in hushed voices. There’s no shame in having dyslexia – it’s a learning difference. We should be proud and celebrate our

METNS Bingo & Banter Night

PTA are hosting an event to raise money for the new Sensory Room - night promises to be great fun with Norma Sheahan & Deirdre O'Kane providing the entertainment. Thurs 8th Nov at 7pm Hosted by Deirdre O'Kane and Norma Sheahan Tickets €20, all in aid of the METNS Sensory Room   Wine and cheese, tea and coffee on the

The PTA have sponsored Yoga

The PTA have sponsored yoga classes for every child in the school with one of our parents Caragh Egan. Caragh is the mother of Theo and Toby, and has specialized in yoga with children. Each child is going to benefit from 6 consecutive classes, and Caragh has started with the 3rd and 4th classes. The children are really loving it

Darren Leaves the school….

After having coached our children both in-school and with the after school activities, Darren McGee has moved on to another post with the county board in Co Westmeath. He has been a super resource for the school, supported by the GAA. Teachers and children alike have enjoyed working with him.  He is being replaced by his brother, Johnny McGee. We

Welcome from the Principal

Dear Parents/ Guardians, It is my pleasure to welcome you all back to a new academic year at METNS. I hope that you enjoyed the wonderful summer and that the children are looking forward to the year ahead in their new classes. I especially welcome our new Junior Infants and other children and families who are coming to METNS for

Value for September – Positivity

Our value of the month at METNS is positivity. We focus on positivity to get the year off to the best possible start!  We are also feeling really positive about the fact that our school community is celebrating our 20th birthday this year.  That is really something to smile about! What is positivity? Positivity is about having a positive and

Yet another award for METNS

Our environmental ethos has been recognized by Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown and we have been awarded 3rd place in the Environmental school of the year awards. We faced some stiff opposition and still the school garden, and the biodiversity friendly nature of our environment and attitude won through. METNS will keep working to create  sustainable life habits and a sustainable world.

Soccer Success

Our girls' soccer team, with girls from 3rd class, 5th and 6th classes, made it through the very competitive group stages in the Dublin primary soccer leagues.  They qualified for the quarter-finals of the league, before finally being beaten by Bracken ET, Balbriggan. They consistently played as a team, encouraging and supporting each other, and really enjoyed representing their school.

How to split a trophy?

On Friday the 13th of April the team went to St. Gerard’s facilities in Bray consisting of Caoimhe (GK), Eva, Lainey, Lea (full backs), Dearbhla and Eve (half backs) and Amelie and Bethany as forwards. The girls got plenty of playtime and luckily went injury free as no subs were available. There were six matches to contest in Group 3

Planting 2018

Junior infants - 2nd went out into the glorious sunshine on April 20th and planted the carrots and potatoes for this year's growing season. They loved working with the soil. weeding and planting their seeds, and spotting birds building nests in the nest boxes in the garden. Mother nature takes over now for the next few months, with some weeding and

20th Anniversary Open Day

To celebrate our 20th Anniversary, The Staff, BoM and PTA of METNS are hosting the following celebrations on Wednesday , 16th May 2018: 10am -12pm : Open Day for current parents/ guardians Afternoon celebration ( 1.10-3pm) for past pupils from 6th class from 2012-2017 Evening celebration ( 7.30-9.30om). Past pupils from 6th classes from 2001-2011 and all past parents.

Easter Bonnet Parade 2018

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well done to all the children on their amazing Easter Bonnet creations! Today the yard was full of bright and colourful hopping bunnies, fluffy chicks, spring flowers, trees, nests and of course eggs ...Spring seems to have finally arrived in METNS!

Seachtain Na Gaeilge 2018

++++++++++++++++++++++ Seachtain na Gaeilge Bhíomar an-gnóthach le cúpla seachtain anuas, ag ullmhú le haghaidh “Seachtain na Gaeilge”. Chun an Gaeilge a chéiliúradh, d’eagraíomar ár cheolchoirm bliantúil “Paddy’s Army”. Chuir na ceolteoirí agus na rinnceoirí go leor obair isteach agus bhí siad go hiontach ar an lá. Bhí páistí ó ranganna éagsúla ag seinnt an feadóg stáin, an veidhlín, an bodhrán,

Visit to METNS from Author Don Briggs and Illustrator Naomi Peppard:

On Tuesday ,13th March, Author Don Briggs and Illustrator ( and METNS parent), Naomi Peppard, came into METNS and delivered wonderful workshops to all the classes.  The beginning of the session started with an introduction of the book by Don about his stories/poems, where and why he had produced the book and where the money from the sales of the

Visual Thinking Strategies in 1B

Seoidín O’Sullivan (Rhian’s mum) came to 1b to teach us some art. She began with using ‘Visual Thinking Strategies’ method to discuss art images. We responded by creating our own cut-out pieces of art following a discussion on Matisse’s cut-outs. We also did some printing, and used many recycled and household items to create some interesting prints.   

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Training Evening

The METNS Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and the METNS Ethos Committee are delighted to invite all parents and guardians to a training evening with the National Parents Council (NPC) on supporting your child's mental health and wellbeing. Positive mental health and wellbeing enables young people to lead fulfilling lives. It is recognised that the family is the primary source of

Are You Ready For The Beast?

Artwork by David Hurst

Green Team hosts Environmental Fair

On Wednesday, February 21st, the Green Team hosted an environmental fair in the hall. They had displays on the topics of our overuse of plastic, how it ends up in the oceans; Fairtrade, one-use takeaway cups and our overuse of plastic straws. They transferred the results of the survey that had gone to the school community about family commitments to

New ECA Programme Launches

We now have a Hurling as part of our GAA programme. Rosario has a ukulele group.

Dancing with Deirdre & John

Dancing with the Stars +++++++++ Dancing with the Stars visited METNS. Deidre O Kane (mum to Daniel) and her dance partner John Nolan visited METNS. The whole school watched their Sunday night performance on Dancing with the Stars, on the big screen. Deirdre and John  performed  the quick step live for the whole school! Jodi from 2nd class got a

METNS parent, Deirdre O’Kane on Dancing with the Stars

Dancing With The Stars: Deirdre O' Kane ( parent in 3rd B) is a contestant  in 'Dancing with the Stars'- Go Deirdre!! All of METNS  will be supporting Deirdre this Sunday night and Deirdre will visit the school with her dancing partner next week.!

Jodi brings home first place in Gymnastic finals

Congratulations to Jodi Benwell, who came first overall under 7, at level 3, in the gymnastic nationals yesterday. She won Gold on floor, Gold on bars, Silver on vault and Bronze on beam. A promising gymnast with a bright future, we wish her continued success in future. 

6th Class Debut at Young Scientist of the Year

6th Class Debut at Young Scientist of the Year ++++++++++++

Martha takes home Creative Writing Award

Congratulations to Martha Bray, 5th Class B, who won a merit award in the recent Trinity College, Book of Kells, Creative Competition. Martha wrote a brilliant comic poem entitled ‘The Cow and the Goose’. Well done Martha, we are very proud; another budding writer at METNS!

Sloe Runnings take Barcelona Marathon in aid of charity

Eight METNS mothers are running a half marathon (21km!) in Barcelona on Sunday 11th February in aid of Lakers in Bray - Lakers is a social and recreational club for children and adults with special needs. The METNS community wish them well – go girls! We started running together about a year ago and we call ourselves ‘Sloe Runnings’.   Look

Positive Behaviour Policy Pupil Survey

The METNS Positive Behaviour Committee have created a pupil survey to inform the review of our METNS Positive Behaviour Policy. This will be completed in school with the children on our school iPads. Click here to take the survey now. The survey was created with survey software

RDS Primary Science Fair

For the first time in our school history, METNS will be represented in the RDS Primary Science Fair. 6th Class b will be presenting their project ‘Why do some plants grow faster than others?’ at the Primary Science Fair this Thursday, 11th January. The children have been busy researching, planting, observing and recording in groups in advance of the fair,

A Spooky Halloween Story from 4B

4B have created a spooky sound effects track to accompany a scary story using a variety of percussion instruments and classroom objects.  

Positive Behaviour Survey 2017

We are currently reviewing our Positive Behaviour Policy and would like all parents to fill out the survey by Friday 13th October. A sub committee of parents and staff will consider all responses when reviewing the policy.  

METNS School Hoody Survey

The PTA are considering the purchase of school hoodies and would like to establish interest in this . Please fill out the survey by Friday 13th October.         

METNS Birthday Breakfast Celebration

Dear Parents/ Guardians and Staff, A sincere thank you to all who helped make yesterday’s birthday breakfast celebration such a wonderful occasion. All the pupils were fed in style al fresco thanks to the amazing food provided by all the parents / guardians and also to the window of glorious sunshine. We were so lucky!  A big thank you to

Extracurricular Activities 2017/18 Timetable available

See here for draft timetable. See here for enrolment form.

2017/18 Booklists and Pencil Case Guidelines

See guidelines for pencil cases and all booklists here

Cycle Safety Art competition

Congratulations to Elsa Lambe, who won a prize for her picture in the recent Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Cycle Safety Art competition.

Santry Sports Day 2017

Tara wins gold in the high jump. The girls U 12 win silver in 400m relay. Cathal won gold. Elena won gold. Sadie won silver and Anoush got a bronze!

‘Sweet Temptations’ wins Texaco Award

Lea Moloney, 5th class B,  has received a special merit award in the Texaco Art Awards for her picture, Sweet Temptations. ​This is the second time that Lea has won an award in the Texaco Art Awards​ and will be getting her award on Thursday at an Awards Ceremony at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham. Congratulations Lea, we are so proud

Girls soccer team’s success

Congratulations to the girls soccer team have just qualified from the group stages to the quarter final of the Dublin league. 

Junior Infants Open Day

There was a lot of excitement in METNS for the Junior Infants 2017 Open Day. Nearly 60 new students entered the doors of METNS, they met their new teachers and got to see their classroom. Parents/guardians were welcomed by Rosario, the BoM, PTA and the Student Council.    

Collage making in 5th Class

5th class A have been studying collage making in art and looking at the work of the artist Jesse Treece who makes very unusual and surreal collages. Having been inspired by his artworks we decided to make our own surreal collages!

5th Classes’ Age of Discovery

These “Age of Discovery” artworks were created by 5th class A by finely grating chalk pastels into a tray of water. The surface of the water was covered in the shavings of various coloured chalks and then a piece of plain paper was dipped into the water to create this colourful background effect. 

Third Class gets new books

The first delivery of books from our Book Fair commission money arrived today. The third classes can look forward to some new reading material in the class.

Educate Together 120 Campaign

Dear Parents and Guardians, As a parent, having my children participate in an Educate Together school is very important to me. The schools are built on an ethos that celebrates equally the value and potential of every child regardless of their religious, social or cultural background and I really love the experience my children are having there. Recently, I was

6th Class enjoy Scratch workshop at IADT

The two 6th classes enjoyed a Scratch workshop at IADT on the 6th April. Thanks to Audrey and Therese at IADT for inviting us. ” order_by=”filename” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] 

METNS Community Book Fair

The METNS Community Book Fair was once again a huge success with €4,1200 raised! This means that the school will receive €2,472 back in the form of books. A really big thank you to everyone for your generosity in supporting the fair, what an incredible result! The PTA would like to extend a massive thank you to each and every child for

Daily Mile

30th January 2017 - Monkstown Educate Together School, Dún Laoghaire - Pictured at the 'Daily Mile' health initiative for school children. © Photo by Peter Cavanagh - Must Credit - No Reproduction Fee. METNS are getting fit with the Daily Mile, we hope that our Daily Mile will improve the physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing of all children – regardless of

Operation Transformation

METNS will be participating in the 10@10 on the 10th February 2016.  To celebrate ten years of Operation Transformation, Karl Henry wants every primary school in Ireland to get moving for 10 minutes of exercise at 10am on the 10th of February.

3D Printing Workshops in Lexicon

Over the next few weeks children from METNS will be visiting the Lexicon Library to participate in a 3D printing workshop. They’ll get an introduction to £D printing and get to design and model up their very own keytag and print it up in 3D. 

Congratulations to Cuala Senior Hurling Team

2016 AIB Leinster Cup Winners

METNS Community Winter Fair

Feedback received on our METNS Annual Winter Fair has been fantastic! It goes without saying that the success of the Fair doesn’t happen without the true dedication and commitment of many parents and teachers alike. A massive thank you to each and every one of you for your contribution, we could not have pulled it off without you. Thank you so

METNS student wins merit in Texaco Art Competition

Lea Moloney’s Jasper the Cat won a Merit in the Texaco Art Competition. See here for her work displayed in the competition gallery.

Family Pass Winner

Evelyn McGoldrick JIB was the winner of a Family Pass for 6 to Clare Lara Fun Park. The draw took place on the last day of school – 29th June. Well done to Evelyn and we hope the McGoldricks have a fun time at Clara Lara.

Parenting Children with Educational Difficulties Conference

Wynn’s Hotel, Abbey St Friday 29th January 2016 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The conference is for parents, educators, – anybody who works with children. The speakers will share their wealth of knowledge on what educational support children are entitled to and how to access it. The aim is that people will leave with confidence, knowledge and motivation that will

Ireland in 100 Years Art Competition Winners

Each winner will receive a €5.00 Book Fair Voucher Junior Infants A         Lena Dunne Junior Infants B         Phoebe Senior Infants A         Romy Senior Infants B         Juno 1st Class A           Camilla 1st Class B           Isabelle 2nd Class A          Elsa 2nd Class B          Sebastian 3rd Class A          Sibeal 3rd Class B          Eoghan Quinn 4th Class A          Luan 4th Class B          Lea 5th

Monkstown Educate Together National School officially opened by local Minister Mary Hanafin TD

The new building housing Monkstown Educate Together National School was officially opened today (Friday June 12th) by Minister Mary Hanafin TD, at Kill Avenue in Dun Laoghaire. The New School Building is welcomed after an 11-year Wait. The primary school, which spent 11 years in temporary accommodation in portacabins off Monkstown Avenue, moved to the new purpose-built building last November.

Monkstown ETNS moves to it’s permanent home – ELEVEN YEARS ON!

New school building opens beside IADT in Kill Avenue in Dun Laoghaire, in unique sharing of education facilities. Monkstown Educate Together, which first opened in a temporary portacabin in Monkstown in September 1997, finally moved to its permanent home on Kill Avenue, Dun Laoghaire today (Thursday 27th November 2008). The 249 pupils and their teachers arrived in their new purpose-built

Monkstown Community News

Past Community Blog Posts

© 2024 Monkstown ETNS. Roll # 20060G. Registered Charity # 20118648.

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